Monday, March 13, 2006

This happened when I started to talk after lunch. I had a hamburger and ice cream for lunch. I think the chocolate covering on the ice cream made my tooth come out. The first one to see it was my friend, Longdon. There was a bit of blood. I am going to put it under my pillow. I hope Raton Perez leaves $5p. It is a big tooth afterall!

My mother is grateful that it fell out because it was hanging by a thread of pink tissue for weeks. She hopes that my other front tooth doesn't take so long, because it is pretty disgusting too.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

It has been a week now since most of the family has returned to our home in BA. Dad and the dog are still south, on a roadtrip north of Junin exploring new rivers. They are the lucky ones.
Re-entry has been difficult for those that returned. The kids all got the stomach flu within 24 hours of arriving back(lots of barfing). Monday was the return of the 7:00 alarm, school, afterschool activities and the worse, homework, extremely distasteful for Mom. Driving in total chaos, waiting in long lines at the hypermarkets, and neighborhood parties complete with fireworks at 2:00 in the morning, all part of the charm of living in a metro of 12 million people.
Being back here drives home the fact of what a special place we have in Junin. We will be back several times before summer returns next December, but it wont be the same. We had a great summer and I guess we are just not ready to let that go. I guess that is a good thing, to want something that you have had, something you have again if you wait awhile. I guess we are all really lucky.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Tribute to our Terrific Tutor Steve

fishing 026
Originally uploaded by arte andina (G.M. O'Connell).
On Saturday we are leaving Patagonia to go back to Buenos Aires and back to our regular school. We want to give Steve this blog entry because his is the best tutor ever. In January, we were excited to meet Steve, but not to have to do school work. When we started having classes we really like it when he came. Here are some words from everyone telling you what we learned and why we like Steve so much.

Callum: We learned the life cycle of the trout. We went on a field trip to a fishery. He taught us how to make the best chocolate mousse in the world. We did a lot of cooking. Steve was my first boy teacher I have ever, ever had. Steve is very, very, nice.

Henry: Steve taught me about insects using a microscope. He taught me about fractions. He helped me do project about Mapuches Indians for my Spanish Class. I liked Steve because he is nice, and makes it interesting by not repeating stuff over and over again.

Owen: I learned about trout. I worked on my letters and making words in English and Spanish. We played lots of games. I like Steve because he makes school like recess.

Georgie: Me gustas mucho. ¡Deseo aprender de ti el año próximo!

Dear Steve:

We will miss you and hope you can be our teacher next year and the year after that and the year after that…… Maybe we can all go skiing together this winter!

Un beso muy grande

Henry, Callum , Owen and Georgie
Some Photos of Summer School