Friday, January 12, 2007

We are back....and happy about it!!!

mixed 046
Originally uploaded by arte andina (G.M. O'Connell).
Our family arrived with the dog and visiting family members on December 21st. Just enough time to get ready for Papa Noel and make ourselves back at home. The weather before New Years was cool and the water in the lake COLD and the water in the river ICE.

New Years has brought warmer water and more guests. We have been spending more time in the river riding the current, although the water is now somewhere between room temperature and COLD.

We will be better bloggers now that the internet is being somewhat useable and we have more adventures to report.


Meet the Angels said...

Hi there, I love your blog! My name is Roxana, and I'm a writing an article about expats and holidays abroad for the International Herald Tribune. I'd love to hear your perspectives! I didn't see an e-mail address on your site, but my email is roxana dot popescu at gmail dot com. Please drop me a line if you get this message and you'd be up for an interview. Thanks,

Jeff K said...

Drop me a line. I have a question for you about the birthday of a certain US interactive marketing firm.

jkroll at modemme... dot com.

jendog said...


haven't seen a recent post so hope your'e still around. We are a family of four moving to Buenos Aires. Would love to chat and get any suggestions and peculiar insights you've got. Keep on enjoying the adventure. Can't wait to hear from you


remi said...

Hello , good blog, greatings from belgium.


My blog:

Anonymous said...

Hi there!!
Amazing and inspiring blog. It makes my heart swell! My name is Sarah Maxwell and I live in Buenos Aires, where I work for an organization that coordinates service trips all over the country! Drop me an email if you and your family are interested! We've got them in Mendoza, Puerto Madryn, and Patagonia!!

martin.anamaria said...

Dear GM y Elizabeth, Georgina me mostro este link y me parece un hermoso blog sobre su experiencia en junín de los Andes.
ana Martinez