Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I am a Dog

junin 058
Originally uploaded by arte andina (G.M. O'Connell).
My name is Osita. I am not capable of typing let alone language with complex syntax. That doesn't mean I am not smart. If I want to, I could tear your arm off with my huge teeth. However, as I see all people, including strangers creeping around windows in the night, as potential ball throwers, I would be glad to meet you someday. I am now having the time of my life in Patagonia. I can run for kilometers, swim in rivers and lakes and chase a wide variety of animals, big and small. I do not want to go back to the big city and my small garden. The O'Connells are very good people and my only complaint is that they give me the same food everyday, with an occasional bone thrown my way. Until I saw myself in the mirror, I was pretty sure I was a Labrador Retriever. Word out.

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